Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cadence of thought

Why do authors have to pace their stories, have to describe scenes, and use rising action? Why don't they just get to the point? Why can't the story just be problem-solution-done?

For some reason, it doesn't work that way. When I read back over the previous post, I find it hard to follow because it's over too fast for a reader to even get into, the pacing is too quick. The post seems like it could be just a condensed paint stroke, where I intended a whole painting to be. Maybe it would be okay with spaces separating the thoughts, or on different pages with pictures punctuating the text.

We are so big, our minds so teeming with brains, that there must be a cadence to what we do. This includes reading, and thinking. As a teacher, I find it helps to expose the class to certain ideas a little early, and repeatedly mention it before the day I present it. There is a cadence that our relaxed minds work best with. We are slow. We like concrete imagery, and time to process the thoughts being presented. Why are books so slow? Sometimes authors have to use filler to get their message across.

Swell of Fortune

When an opportunity to do things is not acted upon, a moment passes. You could draw a surfing analogy here, having to get up on that wave and ride it when the moment is right. I grew up on a farm in Eltopia, WA. with lots of unorganized time. Some was used to do work; much of it was spent playing. Opportunities could be felt by the pressure of their approach (every week my mom offered to take us to church) and lamented in their wake (most weeks I would stall my decision-making until it was too late to catch a ride with her.)
Although Spokane is a little more densely populated, those opportunities still happen. I'm just out of practice listening for them.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Just ordered a video from Phoenix Films called "The Art of the Potter" that documents the work of Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada. It should be here tomorrow. I've decided that this summer will be full of pottery, and a minimal amount of working for others. I've started teaching how-to classes, and am lining up different projects for commission.

Still haven't found a Cone10 reduction kiln for rent, so it looks like Cone6 oxidation is the direction to go. Maybe Cone6 reduction with a saggar. This would depend on the kiln being used. I'm still working with Cone10 clay.

Recently I don't have a job. Oh well. Spokane is a service-industry driven place anyhow. This just gives me more time to network.
Don't do so well without structure, though.

End of School Year

It took till the end of the year to find out what to do that would get the kids learning:
laughter is really important too. Makes everyone more easygoing.
Not getting angry is also a plus.
Getting angry, a minus.
They appreciated me when I wasn't trying so hard to teach things.
So that's where I'm going to start next time.

(Really, I will be aiming to teach self-motivation skills. quality vs. quantity of work, asking questions for your own benefit, and starting off the year with fundamentals for maintaining a positive environment already set in place)

Be the change you want to see.